Monday, July 2, 2012

All Packed!

     Well thanks to my friend, Caroline, I am officially ALL PACKED! This is seriously the best feeling in the world. I think my stress level just went down 50%. I started to work on packing this evening and quickly realized that my "big" bag just wasn't going to cut it. I know that some of you told me that but I found out the hard way. Luckily, I got the "biggest" size bag from my dad's house on Sunday. Once I realized that all of my stuff wasn't going to fit, I took everything out and called Caroline. She's a great organizer so I knew that she would make everything fit. Also, my expert traveler friend, Houston, gave me some much need weather and packing advice. She also gave me a GREAT list of places to go and things to do so I will be ahead of my classmates! I was able to take out and add the things that she suggested before Caroline helped me get it all in my bag! After talking to LOTS of people, because y'all know I can talk to anyone, I finally feel like I'm ready.
The final product. Ready to go!
    Dad had an early birthday dinner for me Sunday, and as always, it was so nice. I wish that I had thought to take a picture of the table arrangements. My parents have always gone all out for nice dinners and my birthday! I got lots of great travel advice and gifts! I think talking to all of the seasoned travelers and adults helped calm my nerves. Houston's parents brought their England travel books, and I got to see my college in relation to the town of Oxford and other buildings in town. They also gave me British pounds so I'll be set when I arrive. Another family gave me a complete travel kit! This included a lint roller, quart size bag, 3oz. bottles, Kavu purse, shirt, kleenex, hand soap, Tide to-go pen, antibacterial wipes and lots of other handy items that I probably would have forgotten and wanted! However, the most handy thing they gave me was this....

     It's a travel bag weight! I was able to weigh my bag after we got everything in and see how far over we went. The first attempt was not bad....54.4lb. However, I only get to take a bag with 50lb. We had yet to pack my carry-on so we started taking out things we knew could go in there. The next try was perfect at 47.5lb! SO, not only am I packed, but I have confirmation that my bag is underweight. This little gem will definitely make the trip with me to ensure I don't go crazy on the trip back! 
     Tomorrow I just have a few more last minute details to take care of, but I should be able to relax most of the day! I'll have to start thinking of where I want to eat for my last lunch and dinner! I'm just so ready to get there now. I owe a BIG thanks to Marilyn, Caroline, Houston, the Johnson's, the Hudson's, Jill, Dad, and anyone else who has helped me get to this point over the last week. I could not have done it without any of y'all!

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